fbiI am certain that some anonymous members have noticed that there is a bit of a feud going on between different groups of anonymous who have involved themselves in the Big Red Rape case in Steubenville. Consider the doxing of KYanonymous as an example. Now, here is something for you to think about. A number of anonymous members have “outsiders” they have allied themselves with. Some with who I call the Goddard crowd and some who I call the ANTI Goddard crowd. There are, of course, some other “hives” that are having issues with each other as well as certain individual anonymous are having with each other.

Now hear is one main point. One of the outsiders siding with several anonymous members is one Michelle Lynn McKee. This person has a LOT of feds that she is connected with. She brags about this openly on her twitter account and elsewhere. Another point to ponder is that Michelle McKee wants to get employment in the field that she states she is an expert in. Michelle McKee brags openly about being appointed to an important position by the Former Deputy Director of the FBI. Talk about having fed friends in HIGH places.

Another point to ponder. Michelle McKee recently tweeted that she has turned certain files about me to…..THE FEDS. Think about these fed related posts she has made:




Now, Michelle Lynn McKee has a habit of getting mad at people and going after them. Ask noted criminal profiler Pat Brown, or Michelle Deveraux, or a few reporters in Seattle Washington, Famous writer Cory Mitchell and so on.

Now what do you think that Michelle L McKee is going to do to those “attacking” Alexandra Goddard or the Anons who support her? And what about those anons going after KYanonymous and his group of  supporters?

Another point to ponder. Notice how Michelle McKee is waging intense twitter campaign to DENY that she is working FOR or WITH the feds? The owner of Radionewz.net is taking great pains to point out that nobody cares what I put in this blog yet, Michelle L McKee makes post after post on Twitter to deny over and over again that she is not working either WITH or FOR the feds.

fbigunDo you REALLY want to take the word of a woman that even her most staunch supporter is saying is Mentally ill who brags about her fed connections, who says she is NOT working with or for them? Do you?

It is up to you to make your choice. Are you going to make the right one?