There is this curious little weasel over on blogger that seems he is a self appointed blog policeman going around and “exposing” blogtv bloggers. He has set up a fairly small blog on where he attemps to “expose” blogtv operators that have done nothing wrong but have the bad luck of this little troll come after their sites because this person has no talent to create his own material.

Sound Familar?

When he first wrote about me, I wrote back to BOTH him AND to blogtv and explained how POOL FEEDS


work in the State of Florida. Instead of doing RESEARCH into how these things work, he simply kept on bull headed with his accusations and admitted that he intended to do no vetting of the information provided to him, again also familiar behavior.

I provided THIS link to the media website of the court that clearly spells out that ONE media source, in this case INSESSION will be the POOL CAMERA AND POOL FEED for the trial. ALL media outlets are then ELIGABLE (as well as the public by the way) to the POOL FEED without COPYRIGHT restrictions as this is PUBLIC INFORMATION of an offical function under the Florida constitution.

He did not bother to post my rebuttal WITH THIS INFORMATION. He somehow EDITED IT OUT (sound familar?) rather than face the truth.

As I said in my other article, BLOGTV.COM admins have sent me a letter informing me that I am in COMPLIANCE with Blogtv tos and they consider the matter closed.

Since he is also putting up pornograpic images of blogtv members, I have brought this to the attention of both and as this is a clear violation of their tos. It is my understanding that this individual keeps getting thrown off only to turn around and create another account to get around the blog.

This is yet ANOTHER example of someone who wants people to follow the rules he refuses to follow himself.

AUTHORS NOTE:The screenshot here was taken AFTER I published this article on the first draft and included the link within the comment section of his blog. Note date and time of comment. Also note that the comment I took of HIS blog regarding the feed issue IS NOT PUBLISHED. The truth never lies.

Stay Tuned