It is not every day that someone takes a sick day and it makes national news. It is also not every day when someone takes a sick day and brings a major trial to a grinding halt. Today, Atty Jose Baez did just that.

There were small clues to the impending problem that all of us missed. These missed clues turned into a round of speculation by all of us when Judge Perry brought the court to order only to abruptly recess it for the day without explaining why.

The question “Mr. Mason, did you discuss the matter with your client?” opened up a flood of speculation that, as of this writing still continues.

The first clue that this may have just been a severe cold brought on by long hours of questioning of prospective jurors and not a secret plea deal or atty firings was on the desk right there for all of us to see. The yellow bag of lozenges should have been enough to quell the endless speculation.

Probably one of the reasons all of us missed this clue was the sore throat of Atty Finell throughout the week. The yellow bag of lozenges were on the desk and most assumed they were for her. As it turns out it is she who may have caused everyone to Become sick with what amounts to a case of either a summer cold or flu. The situation was so bad that the entire courthouse was disinfected.

The problem was, however is that everyone is within close proximity of each other and thus the germs were having a field day going from one person after another at the defense table, likely infecting everyone including Casey who could be seen wiping her eyes and grabbing tissues. Everyone mistook what is likely the early onset of a cold to her being in distress over Baez being fired or facing the fact she may have to accept a “secret plea deal” that was being speculated on.

Baez may not be the last atty to fall. The prosecution side also has been complaining of being “under the weather” with the asst prosecuting atty also complaining of a sore throat.

The frequent sidebar discussions by the attorneys have given the germs ample opportunity to find new places to settle in. Now the pool can start as to who will be the victim of the “Casey Anthony Swine Flu.” that is sweeping it’s way through the courthouse.

Stay tuned