My stalker is at it yet again, this time teaming up with the biggest moron on blogtv. I am wondering how “she” even became aware of my stream site, but no matter since she STALKES me on a daily basis, I am not surprised that she would team up with this rather well known mental midget who seems to have on his enemy’s list a well known individual from blogtv as well as his brother in law.

Notice the names on the left that are also on HIS blog? Rather SMALL world, isn’t it? Has to make you wonder.

And don’t you just love the RACIAL SLUR this moron uses (rather familiar by the way) he uses along with the VULGER language that is all over every site this nitwit operates?

Ever since this little troll invaded my stream and made his false accusations, I have been FLOODED with e-mails about this FOREIGNER (not even an american) who does not have a clue as to what AN OPEN FEED is. I find it odd that he does not check into the source of one blog page who is doing the EXACT SAME THING on HER WordPress blog that I am accused of doing.

Anyone checking into the background of SHAWNIO might find out some interesting things about this troll who may be someone that might have more to do with child pornography than he wants to admit to his “fans.”

Stay Tuned